Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hamlet, William Shakespeare (adapted by Mme Higgin's 4/5 Class)

While it has been YEARS since I last read Hamlet, I must say I was pleasantly surprised by the production I was treated to last week! Obvious hard work and creativity came together to create a concise, to the point, adaptation of Shakespeares Tragedy.

From the first scene, to the grand finale, this production was exceptionally well executed (no pun intended!). I loved the incorporation of digital media and the added introduction and conclusion. I felt like without having studied the play, without these additions, it might have been a difficult production to follow.

Perfectly casted, the actors were believable and quite convincing. I wait patiently for The Higgins Company's next show! What a treat!

1 comment:

  1. Even if you could not folow the story, the csotumes wher cool, and i enjoyed the sord fiting seen at the end.


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